September 21, 2024

The whinging at Peta Credlin’s gong exposes the left’s double-standards

Credlin #Credlin

On the one hand, left feminists love to hurl tedious tantrums and screech that more women should be recognised in the Order of Australia awards on the Queen’s birthday list.  

On the other, they want to approve each and every woman who’s selected. Margaret Court and Bettina Arndt should not, they insist, have ever been considered. It’s only acceptable for left-wing frightbats to be given the nod, certainly not conservative women; deemed the wrong type of women.  

And so, we find ourselves stranded on Groundhog Day this long weekend, while left-wing toddlers spit their dummies over Australia’s highest honours.   

It’s hard to know whether the left loathe Credlin more because she worked for Tony Abbott, or because she now works as a Sky News commentator.  

Crucially, she’s a woman who thinks for herself — and left-wing robots don’t like strong women who question rather than obediently accept the script. Plus, of course, she challenged Chairman Dan’s handling of the Victoria Covid-19 response at a series of his mind-numbing daily press conferences.  

Credlin’s one of a record number of women recognised this year.The list is up to 44 per cent.  

“If we want to reform the culture of politics in this country, having now been an insider in both worlds, the media has a big role to play in driving both change and civility,” Credlin said.  

But none of this is good enough for left-feminist media who are today whinging that it’s, quote, “Not good enough”. 

Whinging brats at Women’s Agenda harp on, “The other important thing here is to consider how many women have been overlooked over the years, given that between 1975 and 2016, women made up just 30 per cent of these awards. It’s about time that those who missed out… finally get the gongs they deserved years ago. And if we’re going to do that, then women should be far outnumbering men for a number of years while we catch-up on countering decades of imbalance.” 

Here we go again.

Every time these clowns open their mouths, they once again remind us that they’re hell–bent on revenge not equality.  

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