December 27, 2024

‘A lack of education’ GMB row erupts as guest blasts new university spelling policies

Christine Hamilton #ChristineHamilton

GMB: Christine Hamilton criticises university spelling policy






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Ben Shephard and Charlotte Hawkins welcomed Christine Hamilton and Steve Bartlett onto Good Morning Britain to hear their views on whether spelling should be prioritised by universities. The ITV guests clashed when Christine argued poor spelling and grammar indicates “a lack of education” while the businessman accused her of being “pedantic”.

“We should be levelling up, not levelling down. Frankly, I’m astonished at how universities have said this,” Christine began.

“Universities should be places of excellence where people are raised up and encouraged to raise their standards.

“People should learn to aspire and sooner or later if you can’t spell. If you don’t know the difference between two, too and to or there or their.

“I had a letter the other day from a five year old who couldn’t spell grateful – she put ‘greateful’ and I sent it back with a gentle correction.”

“You need to know these things, it indicates a lack of education,” she added.

More to follow…

Read more: Ranvir Singh: GMB star talks alopecia battle amid makeover

Ben Shephard, Christine Hamilton are posing for a picture: GMB Ben Shephard Christine Hamilton © ITV GMB Ben Shephard Christine Hamilton

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