September 27, 2024

Michel Euesden Quoted by UK Press in Article About Spain Deportation Claims

Michel #Michel

Michel Euesden, the CEO of the EWN, was quoted responding to reports of British expats leaving Spain before facing deportation.

The Express newspaper has this morning claimed Spain’s government is not planning mass deportations of unregistered UK expats, as suggested by the British press.

They quote the Spanish interior ministry as saying: “Following the UK’s departure from the European Union, and in accordance with the Brexit agreement with EU countries and international conventions, British citizens are subject to the same rules as citizens of other third-party countries.

“Like any other third-country citizens, the maximum period they can stay in Spain is three months – unless they have a work, study or another kind of visa that allows them to stay longer.”

The same article quoted the EWN’s Michel Euesden commenting on reports of large numbers of expats leaving Spain.

She said: “Some people are frightened of the consequences if they overstay and are afraid if there is another lockdown they won’t be able to leave and come back again and visit because they will be known to the authorities.”

Meanwhile, Sue Wilson, chair of Bremain in Spain, a group campaigning for the rights of British migrants living in Spain, claimed people face a 90-day deadline to leave the country.

She said: “These are people who have been flying under the radar for a long time when they should have registered their residence in the country and didn’t for whatever reason.

“Many are still planning to do the same and think the Spanish will either turn a blind eye or will take time to get their act together to enforce the law.”

She said she believes the Spanish authorities will be able to deport unregistered expats.

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