December 27, 2024

420 on the Rocks Bumped to September With a Lit Lineup

Mile 420 #Mile420


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Denver stoners missed 420 on the Rocks in April 2020…and then again in April 2021. But the event won’t skip 2021 altogether: Promoters pushed it back to late summer, with a Red Rocks date of September 1.

What’s a few months when you’re high as hell, anyhow?

And even if this year’s lineup missed the original date, it didn’t miss the mark: Wiz Khalifa, Method Man and Redman, Busta Rhymes, Juicy J and Collie Buddz will all be bringing smoke to Red Rocks at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 1.

No, outdoor consumption of marijuana is not yet legal at this most famous Mile High venue that has been hosting stoners for decades, but nobody will rat you out…we hope. 

Tickets, $66.50 to $149.95, go on sale Thursday, June 17, at 10 a.m.

For early-bird potheads, there’s a pre-sale running from 10 a.m to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, June 16, at AXS. Between you, us and all your friends, the password is: WIZMEFRED. 

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