December 27, 2024

10 Video Game Villains Who Lived Long Enough To Become The Hero

Revan #Revan

Revan is one of a handful of gaming characters who can lay claim to not only being a villain who lived long enough to become a hero, but also a hero who lived long enough to become a villain.

As the Revanchist he defied the will of a dithering Jedi council, rallying like-minded Jedi and faltering Republic forces alike and leading them to a crushing victory against the invading Neo-Mandalorians.

But war turned Revan cruel. He, along with many who followed him, fell to the Dark Side, and in one fell stroke the Republic’s saviour had become its mortal enemy.

Then the Jedi captured him, reprogrammed his mind with the Force, and the now amnesiac Revan embarked on his quest to save the galaxy from the evil forces he himself created, in victory earning himself the title of Prodigal Knight.

Some would argue that Revan did not turn of his own free will. But, he remembered who he was and even then, canonically, did not renounce the Light. Whether you believe the sequel’s interpretation that he was neither hero nor villain is up to you, but whatever the truth he remains one of gaming’s most compelling, and inspiring, characters.

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